Atlantic White Shark Conservancy Launches Gills Talk, a Podcast to Highlight Women in Shark and Ocean Science


Atlantic White Shark Conservancy, a Massachusetts-based nonprofit committed to funding scientific research, improving public safety, and educating the community about white sharks, announced the launch of “Gills Talk,” a podcast featuring interviews with women working in shark and ocean science. Gills Talk is a branch of the Conservancy’s Gills Club. With the motto “Smart About Sharks,” The Gills Club is the Atlantic White Shark Conservancy's STEM-based education initiative dedicated to connecting youth with female scientists from around the world, sharing knowledge, and inspiring the next generation of shark and ocean advocates and scientists.

Gills Talk is a free podcast available on the Gills Club App and various streaming platforms, including Spotify, Apple Podcasts, Breaker, and Google Podcasts. Episodes will be released every other Monday and can be found using the search terms “Gills Talk” on the podcast platform of choice. The interviews highlight the achievements and careers of women in marine science to amplify the voices of women, but not at the exclusion of men.

“It's important to provide younger generations, no matter their gender, race, or background, with strong female role models in the field of science,” said Cynthia Wigren, CEO of the Atlantic White Shark Conservancy." In addition to highlighting our own staff scientists, Megan Winton and Ashleigh Novak, this new Podcast is a great way to expose people to some of the other top female shark researchers from around the world.”

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